Thank you all so much, I want to remind every single of you that this would not have happened without you!

I wanted to keep you updated on the process. Kickstarter is currently collecting all the funds from all backers. Most are collected, however some backers payments are not going through due to various reasons. Please check, if you have received an email from Kickstarter about your pledge, you can reach out to them to resolve the issue.

Once all the funds are collected and sent (15 days) We will begin the printing and production process, which would take an additional 2-3 weeks, and soon after the books will start shipping out!

The digital PDF copies will be sent to every backer as soon as the funds re collected and sent (15 days). Please remember that this is not an ordinary PDF, but something special, partly inspired and manifested by you, that you are a steward of.

For those who selected Addons like the Rubick's Cubes, Puzzles and Tapestries, please note that they will be shipped separately from the books from different locations depending on your address.

As a final thank you to every beautiful soul that successfully backed this Kickstarter project, I would like to offer every one of you an advance PDF edition of the Universal Transmissions Codex Volume 2 when it is half completed! So for free you will own half of the second Codex many months before it starts being realized.

Much of the second volume of the Codex is partly inspired by my personal revelations from the Voynich Manuscript. It will be a journey through Star Maps, Star Gates, Innerstellar and Astral Navigation, Lucid Dream Mechanics and their corresponding interrelations with terrestrial flora, including their multiple manifestations, when projected through various dimensions, geometries, levels and realms.

We will also be re structuring the Codex Patreon page into a much more interactive, simple, and effective format. We aim to build a thriving community of seekers of the profound such as yourself around the codex and its contents.

Infinite gratitude, love and balanced vibes.

Be Love,

